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“Wizkid’s Manager Was Right To Say Tekno Is Rude & Arrogant” – Planet TV Staff

One @ezzyplanettv, Planet TV team crew, has gotten out on Pana singer, Tekno for what he portrayed as “disrespectful act against the him and his colleagues”. He a post on IG blaming Tekno for acting discourteously towards staff individuals from the prior specified media house.
@ezzyplanettv made reference to the episode amongst Tekno & Wizkid’s manager, Mr Sunday Are, in Dubai. It was accounted for the respected music ability manager slapped the artist for disregarding him. @ezzyplanettv expressed that Mr Sunday Are was very right about his fact that Tekno is impolite and haughty.
See post beneath.
The media is the most powerful entity on earth. That's because they have the power to make the innocent look guilty and the guilty innocent, and because they control the minds of the masses 1 Malcolm X It is easy to start a campaign of calumny against anyone using whatever platform one has. But I won't do that, rather I will put it to you Mr Tekno that age or status is no reason for you to disrespect the media rather it show about your rudely behavior. Planet TV Africa as a premium brand have always supported Nigerian artistes and also note that we are way bigger than any music artiste. Note, Mr Tekno that I will not take that disrespect from you or any Nigerian artiste who thinks they can disrespect the media and get away with it or flex their power and ego. Me personally see it as a sign of acute inferiority complex. Your attitude towards me and my colleagues last nite at a gathering just goes to validates what Mr Sunday Are said about you being a rude and arrogant person. Life is in circles and I pray and hope you don't burn every bridge on your way up or from your peak. Because someday you will need those bridges to support you. Ask your senior colleagues the importance of keeping and maintaining relationships. Cheers!

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